An archaeological site located on the west bank of the Nile near Luxor which was a village of ancient Egypt. Deir El Medina is a most fascinating site which shows the glimpse of an ancient workers lifestyle, religious practices and artistic contributions. Actually it was a village of the artisans who worked in the tombs of the valley of kings and valley of queens during the new kingdom (c. 1550–1070 BCE). Let’s read about the history of this site.
This village was established by pharaoh Thutmose I during the 18th dynasty for providing the residence to the artisans far away from the populated areas. Deir El Medina was isolated to maintain secrecy about the tombs' locations and designs. It was called "Set Maat" ("Place of Truth") in ancient times, now reflecting the sacred duties of artisans to construct and decorate the royal tombs. Due to the invasions and economic instability this village declined during the 20th dynasty or end of the New Kingdom.
There is a wall around the village which was built for the protection purpose and indicates the degree of exclusivity. On the north wall there is a main entrance and there is a guard house there and on south as well. Village has only one main street and has houses on both sides east and west, almost 68 in numbers. Houses are stacked together to use the space effectively. There are mud houses in which workers lived along with their families. All houses have the same structure like a bedrThey also believed in the afterlife as they performed funerary customs and also prepared their own tombs with decorations and inscriptions. Bed rooms, reception area, central living area and a kitchen. Some houses also have chapels that were dedicated to worship. Due to the compact nature of the village it fostered a tight-knit community.
The life of residents of Deri El Medina is relatively more comfortable than the common labours. Men worked in shifts of 10 days and received regular wages in the form of food accessories like grains, beer, fish and other items. As this village was far away from the populated areas and located in the desert.There were no farmers and water reserves present in the village. So, they got all these supplies as a salary which were delivered to them in the village. They also got a few days off to spend time with their families. Women mostly performed their house duties like baking bread and taking care of children. And were also involved in religious practices. They are also literate and education is highly valued in the village. Residents also do trade between themselves as many documents showed the trade contract between different houses for the materials such as sandals, bed, toys, loincloths and amulets.
There is a temple in the village which was dedicated to the gods Hathor, Ptah and Maat. Many workers have shrines in their homes which shows that religion played an important role in their lives.
They were in charge of construction and decoration of some royal tombs of ancient Egypt. They were very talented as their expertise can be seen in the tombs in the form of paintings, carvings and construction skills. They were educated as well because the tombs also featured scenes from their mythology, daily life and afterlife beliefs. The discovery of statues, religious artifacts and jewelleries also represent their expertise in craftings.
Excavations of the archaeological site, thousands of ostraca were found from the site which provides record of villages. Personal letters, legal disputes and many other documents were discovered in inscriptions. Experts also found some tools, well preserved houses and burial sites which helps a lot in understanding the workers routine and religious beliefs. Deri El Medina plays an important role in understanding the construction of tombs and the culture of non-elite ancient Egyptians.
Artisans built grand tombs for the royals and nobles in Valley of Kings and other sites, they also built burial tombs for themselves in their village in small size. Their tombs represent the decoration and scenes of their families and prayers to gods. One of the famous craftsmen from them was Sennedjem and his tomb was well decorated with scenes of the afterlife.
During the reign of Ramses III, the country was infested with corrupted officials and Heb-Sed festival of Ramses III made the salary or payments delayed of Deri El Medina community. They did a march towards the Thebes in demand of their pay. As a large community worshiped the goddess of harmony Ma’at and basic principle was betrayed when the payments became late. They launched a strike which was the first strike in the history of Egypt and held a significant meaning. Later they got their pay but the strike caused a breakdown of supply by which the entire community ended from Deir El Medina.
This site is a vital source of understanding the daily life of an non-elite ancient Egyptians and rarely documented elsewhere. Many efforts have been made officially to protect this archaeological site from the erosion and modern encroachment to make it available for future generations as well. Some artifacts are displayed in museums of Egypt and internationally as well from the site.
Deir El Medina is located near the Valley of Kings and easily accessible after a ride of almost 15 minutes. This place is less crowded and you can easily explore the enriching history of the village by visiting houses and tombs. It will be best to hire a tour guide who can provide you deeper insight about the history of the site. Beside its archeological significance it also tells you the story of humans in artistic mastery. Whether you are a tourist or a professional archaeologist you will have a memorable experience there.