Sie wollen einen Abenteuertrip in Hurghada machen? Besuchen Sie mit uns, das Delphinhaus, sowie die traumhafte Hula Hula Insel.Es geht für Sie mit dem Schnellboot aufs Meer, wo Sie mit Delphinen schwimmen und im roten Meer schnorcheln, um die Meeresbewohner und Korallenriffe zu erkunden.Danach können Sie auf der Hula Hula Insel entspannen.
Very impressive beach and adventure of speed boat ride with dolphin watching !
It gave extra fun when moving through waves by speed boat. This allowed us to reach multiple snorkeling spots as well as Dolphin House in a short time, thus saving more hours and opportunities for unforgettable meetings with marine life.
This speedboat trip took five hours and was full of excitement and relaxation. Every minute we spent at the Dolphin House with dolphins up to the time we laid down on sandy shores of Hula Hula Beach was worth it. The day-long trip on the Red Sea combined for adventure, leisure making sure that enough time was available for both.
It was absolutely exhilarating. On arriving, we were taken quickly away over the azure waters where we snorkeled at colorful marine spots. The most incredible experience ever happened when we met the playful dolphins at dolphin house surpassing our expectations. Finally, relaxation on the pristine sands of Hula Hula Beach ended up a day full of adventure mixed with tranquility everywhere.