
Ancient Egyptian Mummies With Real Potos
Ancient Egyptian Mummies With Real Potos

Curious to get the absolute information about the mummies of ancient Egypt with real photos ? In this article, we shared the top 17 ancient Egyptian mummies and showcased the actual photos of those mummies. Let’s delve into it: 


Religious belief is the thing due to which the mummification happened. Ancient Egyptian People have strong beliefs on the afterlife that their soul will be connected again with the body due to which they preserved the bodies. The Ka ( life force / Soul ) and Ba ( individual personality )  means that afterlife the Ka and Ba will reunite with their preserved physical body. These mummies showed the medical skills of ancient Egyptians as well. Mummification process includes removing moisture to make the body remains lifelike and decay resistant remains.

Amenhotep I Mummy

The Amenhotep I mummy was also discovered in 1881 along with other royal mummies at Deir el-Bahri. The original location of his tomb is still unknown as his mummy was transferred from his tomb to the royal cache by priests in the time of widespread tomb looting. Amenhotep I mummy is 5 feet 6 inches. His mummy was rewrapped by the priests during the 21st dynasty. Although, a large part of the mummy is still unwrapped due to his ancient and beautifully decorated bandages.

After the scan and analysis Amenhotep I was 35 years old when he died from natural causes. Amenhotep I mummy is placed in the Nation Museum of Egyptian Civilization.


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Amenhotep III Mummy

Mummy of Amenhotep III was found in 1898 in the tomb KV35 which is originally the tomb of Amenhotep II in the Valley of Kings. His mummy was also reburied by an ancient priest from his original tomb WV22 to protect it from tomb antique looters. Mummy was found well preserved and in good condition, which allows detailed analysis and scans. Amenhotep III was 5 feet 6 inches tall. 


DNA tests confirmed his linkage with royal mummies as father of Akhenaten and grandfather of  b. He was in his mid-50s when he died. The cause of death stated by reports are the severe dental abscesses. His original mummy is placed in the Nation Museum of Egyptian Civilization Fustat.


Ahmose I Mummy

The Ahmose I mummy was found in 1881 at the royal cache of Deir el-Bahri. The mummy was transferred from his tomb to the royal cache by ancient priests to protect it from tomb robbers. Mummy was damaged by tomb lotters and was not well preserved when found. Ahmose I mummy is 5 feet 3 inches long. 


After detailed analysis, it was stated that he died in his mid 30s. The death reason is still unclear due to bad condition of mummy. Although there are no injuries or diseases found during the scans. Ahmose I's tomb is still unknown and his original mummy is on display in the Luxor museum.


Ahmose-Nefertari Mummy

Ahmose - Nefertari mummy was found in the royal cache of Deir el-Bahri in 1881 as her original tomb is still unknown. The mummy was reburied by ancient priests to protect from robbers. Her mummy was found in poor condition which makes analysis difficult. She was the first wife of God's Amun


She died in her 70s or 80s and the cause is still unknown due to mummy's bad condition. After her death, she was worshipped as a goddess. Her original mummy is on display in the Nation Museum of Egyptian Civilization.


Hatshepsut Mummy

Hatshepsut mummy was discovered in 2007 in the tomb KV60 in valley of Kings. Her mummy was in poor condition due to over time damage and signs of decay. KV60 was not her original tomb, KV20 believed to be her original tomb and the reason for relocation of her mummy is to protect it from robbers. Her mummy was found in her father's tomb.


After scans, it stated that Hatshepust was in her 40s or early 50s when she died. Studies show that diabetes or bone cancer might be the cause of death. DNA tests confirmed her linkage with royal mummies. Hatshepsut's original mummy is in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo.


Meritamen Mummy

The Merneptah mummy was discovered in 1898 by French egyptologist Victor Loret at the tomb of Amenhotep II KV35. His original tomb is KV8 and the reason for reburial / reallocation of the mummy was to protect it from looters. His mummy was found well preserved and a little bit damaged due to his age. Scans stated that he died in his 60s or 70s. Merneptah mummy is 5 feet 7 inches long. 


There is no specific death reason, although It was stated that he was suffering from severe dental issues and artery calcification. His original mummy was moved to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in 2021 from the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities.


Merneptah Mummy

Meritamen mummy was discovered in 1881 in tomb TT320 royal cache of Deir el-Bahri. As her original tomb is still unknown. Her mummy was reburied for protection from robbers. Her mummy was not in good condition but had enough remains for study and analysis. There were 19th Dynasty signs of embalming techniques shown on her mummy. Her DNA test confirmed her identity as the daughter and wife  of great Ramses II.


She was a young adult at the time of death but cause of death is still unknown. Her original mummy is on display in the Nation Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat.


Ramses II Mummy

Ramses II OR Ozymandias mummy is one of the famous mummies from renowned mummies of egypt. This mummy was found in 1881 at Deir el-Bahri (DB320) which was a chamber of royal mummies. Probably moved by the priests of that time to protect them from tomb robbers. Ramses II mummy is 5 feet 9 inches tall. In 1974, the mummy was transported to France for the preservation process and examination. After analysis, they confirmed that his DNA is linked with other royal families. Also, during his last time Ramses II suffered an arterial disease and severe dental abscesses.


In 2021 Ramesses II mummy was transferred from the Egyptian Museum to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization and is still on display.


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Ramses III Mummy

The Ramses III mummy was found along with the other royal mummies in the royal cache at Deir el-Bahri in 1886.  His mummy was found well preserved which allows to do detailed scans and analysis. His tomb KV11 was discovered in the Valley of Kings and decorated very well by the scene from the book of the dead. Ramses III was 5 feet 8 inches tall.


His DNA test confirmed his linkage with other royal mummies. Scans show that he died in his 60’s and a fatal wound on his neck was the cause of his death. This shows that he was killed / Assassinated. Ramses III's original mummy is located in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.


Seti I Mummy

The Seti I mummy was found in 1881 at Deir el-Bahri (DB320) with other royal mummies. Moved by priests from his tomb in the valley of kings to protect them from tomb robbers. However, his tomb is most decorated among the others. His mummy was in a very good condition as well.  His facial features, skin and hairs were retained very well. Seti I was 5 feet 7 inches tall. 


He was a great warrior King and died almost during his 40s or 50s. The actual cause of his death is still unknown but studies have shown that he suffers from heart disease and significant injuries might be the reason. Seti I original mummy is housed in the Nation Museum of Egyptian Civilization.


Seti II Mummy

Seti II mummy was found in 1898 in KV15 in the valley of King and moved to KV35 for the protection from the robbers. Mummy was in bad condition and not well preserved. Although his DNA test confirmed the link with ancient royal families as Merneptah was his father. His tomb is decorated with scenes from the Book of the dead


Setii II was in his late 30’s when died and the reason is still unknown due to his mummy's bad condition. His original mummy is in the Nation Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo.


Tutankhamun Mummy

Tutankhamun's burial chamber was discovered by a British archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922. The mummy was officially discovered in 1925 and it was in poor condition. After a detailed examination of the mummy, Tutankhamun was 18 when he died. The cause of death is still a question because mummy showed the missing skin, open eye and leg fracture. Also, maybe the mummy is damaged during the looting or by the Carter’s team during the removal. Later on DNA testing confirms that Akhenaten was his likely father.


The Tutankhamun original mummy is still on display in his tomb KV62 at Valley of Kings, Luxor. Mummy is preserved in a glass box inside the sarcophagus.



Thutmose I Mummy

Thutmose I mummy was found in a royal cache Deir el-Bahri in 1881 from where the group of ancient mummies was found. His mummy was reburial and rewrapped by the ancient priests which may cause a little bit of misidentification in the 21st dynasty. His original tomb was KV20 which is the most significant and earliest tomb in the Valley of Kings. Mummy identification shows that Thutmose I was 5 feet 5 inches tall.


His mummy shows signs of age-related and it was believed that he was an older man during his death. The cause of death is still unknown due to the mummy's bad condition. Thutmose I original mummy is located in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.


Thutmose III Mummy

The mummy of Thutmose III was found at the royal cache in Deir el-Bahri along with other royal mummies in 1881. His mummy was in poor condition and probably damaged by tomb lotters. In the 21st dynasty ancient priests re-wrapped his mummy and kept it with other royal mummies to protect them from tomb robbers. His tomb KV34 is located in the Valley of Kings, Luxor.


Thutmose III mummy is 5 feet 3 inches and on display in the Grand Egyptian Museum. He was in his 50s or 60s when he died of natural causes. As there were no significant diseases found after scans. He was referred to as the warrior King as he expanded the Egypt empire reaching as far as Syria and Nubia.


Thutmose IV Mummy

Thutmose IV mummy was found in 1898 in the tomb KV35  of Amenhotep II in company with other ancient royal mummies. His mummy was reburied in KV35 from his original tomb KV43 which is located in Valley of Kings by an ancient priest in order to protect them from the tomb robbers. His mummy was found in good condition and beautifully rewrapped. Thutmose IV mummy shows that he was 5 feet 5 inches tall. After a forensic analysis report, it stated that he died in his late 10s or early 30s. Reports identified that Thutmose IV was suffering from tuberculosis or infectious disease. His original mummy is on display in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.


thuya mummy

Thuya was a wife of Yoya's and her mummy was found along with her husband in 1905 in tomb KV46 in the valley of Kings. Her mummy was also buried differently from royal traditional techniques as her hands were placed at sides. Mummy was found in well preserved and good condition.

Analysis and scans stated that she died in her 50s or 60s due to natural causes as there were no injuries or disease found in her report. Thuya mummy is placed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.


yuya mummy

Yuya mummy was found in 1905 from his tomb KV46 in the valley of kings by British egyptologist James Quibell and American businessman Theodore Davis. His tomb was a well-preserved non-royal tomb. His mummy was found in good condition and showing facial features and light-colored wavy hair, along with her wife's mummy. The Yuya mummy was buried differently than traditional royal techniques. His hands are placed on sides instead of crosses on chest.

DNA tests confirmed his linkage with royal-officials and the father of Queen Tiye. He was in his 60s or 70s when he died due to natural causes. As, there are no signs of injuries and diseases. Yuya's original mummy is placed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.


Mummies Nowadays:

Ancient Egyptian mummies are a great source of information and offer us a window into the past. The advancement in the X-Rays and CT-Scans make the process easy for detailed analysis without unwrapping the mummy. Process of discoveries in Egypt is still resumed.

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